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Asian Ceramics and Works of Art  - Tuesday 12th November 2024
Venue address
15 North Street
Lewes, East Sussex
United Kingdom
Asian Ceramics and Works of Art - Tuesday 12th November 2024

Auction dates
Nov 12, 2024 12:00 PM GMT
Viewing dates
Nov 08, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Nov 09, 2024 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM GMT
Nov 11, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Nov 12, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT
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There are 345 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
A pair of Chinese blue and white chargers, Kangxi period (1662-1722), each painted to the centre
480 GBP
500 - 700 GBP
A Chinese blue and white 'Four Beauties' drum-shaped jar and cover, Kangxi period (1662-1722),
4,000 GBP
6,000 - 8,000 GBP
A pair of Chinese blue and white square section vases, Kangxi period, each side variously painted
1,300 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A large Chinese blue and white spittoon, zhadou, Yongzheng/Qianlong period, painted with flowering
280 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
An unusual Chinese famille rose ‘fishermen’ brushpot, bitong, Yongzheng period (1723-35), painted
60,000 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A Chinese blue and white bowl, Yongzheng/Qianlong period, the exterior painted with trees, bamboo,
260 GBP
300 - 400 GBP
A Chinese famille rose ‘peony and prunus’ saucer dish, Yongzheng mark and period (1723-35), finely
600 GBP
600 - 800 GBP
A Chinese blue and white ‘cloud and dragon’ bowl, Yongzheng mark and period (1723-35), painted to
440 GBP
500 - 700 GBP
A rare Chinese famille rose ‘Sanxing’ yen-yen vase, Yongzheng period (1723-1735), the neck painted
10,000 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A pair of Chinese famille rose ‘landscape’ plates, Yongzheng-Qianlong period, each finely painted
600 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese famille rose baluster vase, Yongzheng period (1723-35), finely painted with a scholar, two
1,600 GBP
600 - 800 GBP
A large Chinese Ming style blue and white dish, possibly 18th century, painted with peony sprays
48,000 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese blue and white ovoid jar, Kangxi period (1662-1722), painted with Antiques to petal
800 GBP
600 - 800 GBP
A Chinese blue glazed baluster vase, Yongzheng six character mark and probably of the period (1723-
75,000 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A Chinese sang-de-boeuf glazed pear shaped vase, yuhuchunping, 18th century, with white glazed rim
3,800 GBP
1,500 - 2,000 GBP
A pair of Chinese Langyao bottle vases, late 18th century, each neck with a mushroom coloured
1,000 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A pair of small Chinese blue and white small serving dishes, Qianlong period, each painted with
280 GBP
300 - 400 GBP
A large Chinese famille rose punch bowl, Qianlong period, the exterior painted with flowers in a
750 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
An unusual Chinese European subject blue and white shallow basin, Qianlong period, painted with a
750 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A massive Chinese blue and white ‘temple’ jar and cover, Qianlong period, painted with a temple
1,500 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A Chinese blue and white 'scroll and blossom' charger, Qianlong period, the centre painted with a
700 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese famille rose ‘mandarin’ bowl, Qianlong period, painted with figures in a lakeside
300 GBP
400 - 600 GBP
A Chinese blue and white 'Sanxing' ovoid vase, Qianlong period, painted in vibrant blue with the
800 GBP
800 - 1,200 GBP
A Chinese ‘mandarin’ pattern tea bowl, coffee cup and saucer, Qianlong period, each piece finely
340 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
A Chinese enamelled porcelain group of Guanyin holding a child, Qianlong period, seated in
220 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
A Chinese Dehua polychrome enamelled blanc de chine figure of Guanyin, late 18th century, seated
200 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese Yixing pottery teapot, 18th century, of cylindrical form with a slightly domed cover,
1,200 GBP
1,500 - 2,000 GBP
Two Chinese Yixing slip-decorated miniature teapots and covers, 18th/19th century, each decorated in
220 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
A Chinese Yixing censer, 19th century, the compressed globular body applied with a pair of lion mask
280 GBP
300 - 400 GBP
A pair of Chinese coral ground ‘boys’ vases, Jiaqing period (1796-1820), painted with boys playing
2,400 GBP
2,500 - 3,500 GBP
A near pair of Chinese blue and white moonflasks, bianhu, Daoguang seal marks and of the period (
3,800 GBP
4,000 - 6,000 GBP
A pair of large Chinese square baluster vases and covers, Daoguang period, c.1830, each finely
3,800 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A fine Chinese famille rose ‘Romance of the Western Chamber’ dish, Jiaqing-Daoguang period, superbly
5,000 GBP
300 - 400 GBP
A pair of Chinese powder blue glazed bowls, Daoguang mark and of the period (1821-50), each with a
4,600 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A pair of Chinese yellow ground double-walled moonflasks, bianhu, Daoguang marks, 19th century, each
3,800 GBP
4,000 - 6,000 GBP
A set of five Chinese enamelled porcelain ‘pavilion’ dishes, Daoguang mark and period (1821-50),
4,200 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A large Chinese famille rose ‘beasts’ vase, mid 19th century, well painted with deer, tigers,
1,500 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A Chinese enamelled porcelain pink ground ‘boys’ dish, mid 19th century, painted with five boys
1,100 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A tall Chinese famille rose square section vase, 19th century, finely painted with ladies and boys
1,000 GBP
1,000 - 1,500 GBP
A Chinese white glazed group of Guanyin and child, 18th/19th century, 20.5cm high PLEASE NOTE:-
240 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A pair of impressive Chinese yellow ground moonflasks, late 19th century, each painted in underglaze
3,800 GBP
6,000 - 8,000 GBP
A pair of large Chinese famille rose baluster jars and covers, Qianlong seal mark, but late 19th
1,200 GBP
600 - 800 GBP
A pair of Chinese black ground enamelled porcelain baluster vases, late 19th century, each painted
650 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
CORRECTION LATE 20th century, A large Chinese famille verte pedestal table and four matching
3,000 - 4,000 GBP
A large Chinese blue and white ‘Hundred Antiques’ jardinere and hongmu stand, late 19th/early 20th
800 GBP
400 - 600 GBP
A good Chinese famille rose ‘Four Beauties’ baluster vase, late 19th century, finely painted with
1,700 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A pair of Chinese yellow ground medallion saucer dishes, Guangxu six character marks, early 20th
500 GBP
600 - 900 GBP
A pair of large Chinese wucai jars and covers, late 19th century, each finely painted with
3,200 GBP
4,000 - 6,000 GBP
An unusual Chinese underglaze blue and copper red ‘longevity’ vase, 19th century, of elongated ovoid
3,800 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A pair of Chinese famille verte green ground jardinieres, Kangxi marks, but late 19th century,
1,100 GBP
400 - 600 GBP
An unusual Chinese famille rose butterfly-shaped vase, late 19th century, the body modelled as a
2,800 GBP
4,500 - 5,500 GBP
A Chinese wood framed and porcelain mounted low screen, late 19th century, the four upper panels
1,200 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese blue and white jar and cover, Shunzhi mark but Guangxu period, painted with dignitaries by
600 GBP
500 - 700 GBP
A Chinese cafe-au-lait ground beaker vase, gu, 19th century, painted in famille verte palette with
420 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A large Chinese powder blue ground bottle vase, 19th century, painted in famille verte palette to
1,600 GBP
500 - 800 GBP
A Chinese green crackle glazed bottle vase, 19th century, with white crackle glazed base, 41.5cm
1,100 GBP
300 - 500 GBP
A Chinese blue and white 'ladies' plate, Kangxi mark, 19th century, painted with four ladies in a
200 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
A Chinese turquoise ground famille rose jar and cover, late 19th century, painted with butterflies
280 GBP
300 - 400 GBP
A large Chinese famille noire square baluster vase, 19th century in Kangxi style, painted to each
1,000 GBP
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
A pair of large Chinese famille verte globular jars and covers, early 20th century, each painted
1,800 GBP
600 - 800 GBP